Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Slow Sunday and A Sweet Boy

An Old Picture of Kid 2, but still one of my favorites.

March plods on here at the Northern Edge of the country. Mud season is upon us. My only outing today was to the Degre Auction House in Westfield - a place I should avoid given our current financial situation. The parking lot was mud to the hubcaps. I bought three pictures: a watercolor and two oils from the 20s, I would guess, for $75.00. I'll try to take some pictures so you can see these latest treasures.

Kids were home with Husband all day. Finally, at around 3 PM, Husband and Kid 2 suited up for a walk over the crusty snow. It was the first time the Husband had left the house today. Sunday dragged on and finally, at dusk, the Monopoly Board was pulled out. (A sure sign of a deadly dull day). The game did its trick, however. Husband, in his Monty Burns mode, played advisor to Kid 2, whose math and reading skills are not quite up to Monopoly. My strategy of building hotels on those cheap, light blue properties near the jail bombed. Husband and Kid 2 got the railroads and some houses on the second corner of the board. Long story short, the men in the family did me in. I got out of jail and landed, promptly, on St. James place - where three houses cost me more than my total net worth. As I was hamming it up, saying goodbye, Kid 2 couldn't stop himself from crying. What a sweetie.

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