Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Cold Day and a Head Cold

Well, after all that exalted Easter fare, a few days later Kid 2 and I are home with a cold - a really nasty sore throat runny nose exhasuting affair. A neighbor ferried Kid 1 to school, which was a mercy and a blessing. I am going back to Louis Auchincloss's stories in bed in a minute. I wanted to set Kid 2 up on Club Penguin in hopes of getting 45 minutes for reading and napping, but first a quick stop at the blog. Here's a video I took a couple of days ago - last Friday to be exact - to show what the second day of spring looked like here at the Last House. Husband emerged as I was filming and I also captured a little of the joys of married life after many years. I called it "A Scold in the Cold" on Youtube.

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