Just following up on that last post. I couldn't resist working a little more on the verse I started last weekend. I am putting it here so I won't lose it (since I seem to burn through a laptop every year or so)... I may even come back and revise.
Shack and I are engaged in a daily struggle to get him to read poems, write a poem, memorize a poem and make a poem poster. We have til Jan 17 to get this done. Maybe I'll send him into school with this one when it's all over.
I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as TV.
A poem just sits – it has no go
And doesn’t come with audio.
What’s worse - poems must be read
To get the pictures in your head.
There’s no flash, no flicker, no bluish light
Just tracks of black in lots of white.
Give certain types a pen and page
And they’ll torment kids from age to age.