Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Come to our Fark! (Someday)

Hold on a minute while I hoist the banner.

There we go. Hello!  I'm here!

And before you ask, rest assured that the paucity of posts here on ye olde blogge has not been due to anything worse than the Roku my sister got me for Christmas two years ago.  Now - no matter what - there is always good TV to be had, or at least a good-TV search effort in which to engage.

Also there is social media. I stare at my phone all the time like the rest of us. (Except for you high quality individuals who still read blogs and  probably listen to CDs and don't have internet TV or Twitter accounts).  Query- is there a relationship between this (tedious) vogue for zombies and phone-staring?

My old blogging friend Nan recently decamped from Facebook and retreated to her own dear old blogging project.  I don't know if I'm ready to cut the FB cord, but I must say that there is something in the rhythm of this that is nice and actually it feels like the Library of Congress in terms of stability and substance next to Twitter and FB.

Enough about that now. I actually sat down to write here tonight because I had a thought that wouldn't fit into 140 characters.  The thought doesn't deserve much more than that but I write things down.

I was driving home from work today and thinking that someday, perhaps, as a retirement project we might actually farm the old farm that we have owned, lo these many years (since 1993).

We have always rented the farm land to an actual farmer and made do with our catastrophic (mostly) gardening and lawn mowing or crouched in the old house there.  But who knows?  Maybe I'm a future farmer.  My next thought was, "well, I wouldn't really want all the land to be fields - I'd like some of it to be landscaped, like a park.  This is what I will do with my lottery winnings."  Then I thought, "well, maybe some farming and some parkland is what my future (rich) self should aim to achieve.  A 'fark' that's what I'm after." That will make you want to come visit, won't it?

Here's a picture of the old fark as it currently appears.  Not bad.

Cheers.  Thanks for not completely abandoning the last house.  (By the way, my Twitter handle is @woolfoot if you want to follow along there...)