The other night I opened the medicine cabinet to get my toothbrush off the built-in little holder behind the mirror. The medicine cabinet probably dates to about 1960 (based on the approximate date of the salmon-colored bath fixtures) - soooo, the toothbrush holder has a bit of a rust issue ...
Anyway, I hang my toothbrush there because Whusband is unlikely to open the medicine cabinet when he is looking for a toothbrush. He is a notorious non-respecter of toothbrush property rights. That is, if he sees a toothbrush, he will use it.
I know. You don't have to say it.
Anyway, I opened to the medicine cabinet to get my toothbrush late that night and found an earwig curled around the back of it, resting in the rust. Boy, an earwig can skedaddle when you take away his toothbrush!
What do you think I did next? Wrong if you guessed, "ran and got a picture for the blog!" (Sorry).
What would you have done?
I'll tell you next time.
Probably not much. I'm not squeamish about bugs. I'd probably kill it, though.
Well, R, bless you for weighing in. The correct answer is, well, you basically guessed it. I rinsed off the toothbrush and brushed away. The earwig even got away.
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