Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not Gone...

Not yet anyway. I have been occupied in my off hours with converting some of what's here into a "blook" - a "best-of" real life book that will exist out in the real world. Just wanted to stop in to say "hi" in case you few regulars were beginning to wonder. "Hi."

The banner today is a photo I took this AM from a Jay Peak snowshoe trail. With all the development up there I have been reluctant to make my usual winter visits. I went this morning for the first time this season, very late for me, and was glad that I did. Actually, glad doesn't quite cover it. I was, in my solitary, quiet way, overjoyed to see that the new golf course meant new vistas had been opened up on a new trail. As much time as I have spent up there today I got to see something I have never seen. Believe me, the pictures don't do it justice. What a nice surprise.


Lulu LaBonne said...

That is a wonderful picture, I do soenvy your scenery

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot, though I'm getting tired of winter at the moment, including dreading the 1.5 inches of ice that's on the way.


Madame DeFarge said...

Fab view, good luck with the book work.

Kim Velk said...

Lulu - Thanks for the kind words...

R - You're a stalwart. Sorry for the delay in responding. Still blooking.

Mme. - Has anyone ever told you that you have perfect manners? Thanks for the good wishes. You might want to think of transferring some of your posts out of the ether and onto paper for history's sake.