Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Best Brush With Greatness _Ever_

So, you know that altar I have built to David Sedaris in my living room? (At least the living room in my head). I just added on a new transept and apse and lady chapel because I got to meet and greet him last night with 350 of his other new best friends in Montreal. He was there to sign books - any book at all it seemed, though most people apparently stuck with Sedaris's own books. He started at 6 PM, read for 40 minutes and then signed for more than four hours! I know cause we had to leave after the reading to make a scheduled dinner with friends. We had dinner and then I asked Whusband to drop the Understudy and I back at the bookstore. Sure enough, two hours later the line was still moving along at about a person every five minutes. A lovely bookstore manager took pity on me and the Understudy (the only kid there - no school this week because of Thanksgiving) and told us to find a comfy place to sit and he would summon us when the last person had gotten their book signed. This finally happened at about 11:15...

D.S. was particularly sweet to the Understudy, which made me like him even more. She has a blog of her own these days and wrote up the whole encounter very nicely. Here's the link. Just to tempt you to make the jump, three words: "gifts were exchanged."

Watching this marathon signing session put me in mind of that Sedaris classic, "The Stadium Pal," q.v.

OK - Someone remind me to talk about the John Lennon hagiography they played on American Masters on PBS this week. I mean, we all love John Lennon, but come on! One point: the music he and Yoko played together in the early 70s was unlistenable then and 40 years and a martyred superstar later, it is no better.


Anonymous said...

Re: John Lennon.

For the love of all things good, the post-I-met-Yoko-phase of his was an abomination. For that reason alone, any claim he might've had to the title "master" should have irretrievably revoked.

P.S. I trust your Thanksgiving went well.


Kim Velk said...

Hey R - You know I think he was really sincere in those NY years (subject of the documentary), but that's as far as I would go.

Our Tsgiving was very nice thank you. I hope yours was as well. I enjoyed your post re: airport security, which was part of the fodder for our dinner conversation. (Charles Krauthammer is right...)