I reread my last post the other day, where I called my little boy "some kind of genius" (despite the fact that he is eight and still learning to read). Hmmph. I thought. If I were reading that I would think, "Sure. The kid's the kind of genius who flunks second grade." Well. I know you are a charitable lot and most with kids of your own and I will assume you took my meaning. Plus, he is some kind of genius. I am not sure what kind yet, I hope the kind who can support an old mother one day, but time will tell.
In other news, in a little Internet goofing around the other day I learned that the smashing young Adele is playing a show in Montreal next Tuesday. Montreal is a stone's throw (well, if Superman were doing the throwing) from the Last House.
I bought two tickets and immediately emailed my friend, uhhh, "Splenda" who lives in Montreal. I wrote that I had bought her a ticket and generally extorted a promise from her that she would go along.
The backstory on this is that "Splenda" is an attractive and charismatic person, with an attractive and charismatic husband (think movie star) and two attractive and charismatic children. She is also nice to people and generally sort of sparkles. The problem this creates for her is that people want to hang around her house, they want to visit her place in the country, they want her on their committees. She sends her husband to do pick up and drop off at school so she won't have to deal with the other moms and their suggestions for get-togethers. I got her a t-shirt for her birthday that said "I have enough friends, but thank you for your interest." I also gave her matching business cards, which failed to give any contact information, and included the phrase "how's never for you?" Oh, and a matching pen.
She HOWLED. She showed this stuff to all her friends. Apparently we all believe it's her other friends who are crowding her. OK, Splenda. You know who you are. I'll forgive you if you don't really want to go but I've got your number.
I can't wait to see Adele. I know Splenda will have fun too, if she comes along.
I will write a review.
Bon weekend.
Wonderful! Please tell me she's worn the t-shirt at least once, in public? And carries the (none of your) business cards just so she can entertain the idea of handing one out when finding herself the object of unwanted attention?
I assume she's NOT on Facebook??
I love it when Americans say 'Smashing'.
Isn't Splenda a product to add to your coffee?
Hope you enjoy the gig
Hope you're able to go, with or without Splenda. Maybe she'll send her attractive and charismatic husband. That might be bearable.
Love the dog!
Denise - She actually is on Facebook where she has hundreds of friends. In fact, she told me I had to get on Facebook! She told me she would wear the shirt to the gym but I don't know if she has really done it. As I say, she is nice to people and a well brought up girl.
Lulu - As I mentioned over at Earwig Sandwich, reading all these Brit bloggers is enhancing my vocabulary, or making me more of a pretentious git than I already was. I guess it depends how you look at it. Everytime I see a Cooper Mini I think, and sometimes say, "smashing." (They are still a bit of a rarity over here). "Splenda" is a sweetener for coffee.
Bonjour Mme. Maybe Splenda will invite him along, which would be great. The dog was a puppy when I took this picture almost a year ago. She's bigger now but still cute.
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